September 18, 2019

A Grandmother's Joy

It was quite the special evening! We were on our way to our grandson's baptism, and my wife received a call that he wanted his grandma to help do the honors. She was thrilled! So, here's our photo commemorating the event. His father, the pastor, doing the honors as well and his younger sister standing by. 

Baptism is simply an act of obedience, a confession of faith in Jesus as the Savior and as Lord, the only way to Heaven and eternal life. The dunking symbolizes the old life passing away and a new life in God beginning. 

This seven year old young man knew full well what he was doing and the choice he was making. I'm praising God today for his choice!

(Photograph copyright Mark Taft.)


  1. Mark, I too am praising God for his decision to follow Jesus and His example (by being baptized). My prayer is that he will have a wild heart for God. That he will never shy away from sharing the good news of our Savior, Jesus Christ!

    Always your pal,
    Matt (AKA Amazon Belle)

  2. Thanks, Matt! I prayed something very similar over him last night! :)
