July 16, 2019

No Rainbow Connection at Disney World

Bad customer service is not excluded just because you're dealing with Walt Disney World employees! Case in point: I sent a pretty easy and direct question via the Company's email reservations. "Rainbow" was too busy to reply, stating it was best that I begin an on-line chat with someone else. My fairly simple question was harder to get an answer to than I thought. It's bad enough you have to plan so far in advance for your trip. And then, to give up some reservations you shouldn't have to. Not once but twice. Two separate trips. Thankfully, when I finally was able to chat, someone did help me but was unable to note my reservations as the systems are not connected. 

One simple, single question I couldn't find an answer to on their increasingly complicated website. And then I waited for two days for a reply. Did I deserve this? So much for a magical day!

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