May 7, 2019

Will Hong Kong Disneyland Be the True Center of the Marvel Universe?

A little research doesn't bring the most satisfying information. Marvel additions to the Disney theme parks seems like the brand will experience its own withdrawal in spite of the billion dollar plus sales of Avengers: Endgame

Let's be honest here: No one seems all that thrilled with what's happening at California Adventure. The epic Spider-Man being reduced to a shooter game a la Midway Mania with similar plans for the same attraction at the struggling Walt Disney Studios Paris? The redo of Twilight Zone Tower of Terror into a Guardians of the Galaxy ride? 

Sure, it's fun, but one day soon, somebody at the Disney headquarters is going to have to breakout and come up with an exciting, fresh, and powerful concept for a new attraction that's worthy of the Marvel name. This is not it. The real Imagineers can do it if given the right budget and space. Unless that means Hollywoodland goes away soon to provide more breathing room, as far as it looks now, California won't be the Marvel headquarters the company would like fans to think it will. Star Wars, yes. Marvel, no.

Walt Disney Studios Paris? Well, an Iron Man redo of Rock n Rollercoaster is a start, but again, it's only a cheap and easy way to slide him into place in a struggling park. (Plans for the exterior have already been leaked. Unimpressive. The above image of the Parisian Marvel coaster, by the way, comes from Jake Sully at Disney Central Plaza Forum.) What comes afterwards will be more telling, and it had better be compelling.

This leaves poor little Hong Kong Disneyland. Starting with the Iron Man Experience and now the long titled Ant Man adventure, this Chinese park could be the little park that could make it the true place to go for great Marvel themed adventures. Yes, it is a simple revisioning of Star Tours technology and the Buzz Lightyear attraction, the latter a misfire it seems, but just maybe that new mega coaster in 2022 (or later) could kickstart the whole thing. Is a unified land even possible? The answer is unknown. Perhaps after a newly redesigned castle and a Frozen land, things will look up there.

Not always, but sometimes, bigger is better. Think bigger and better, Disney suits! Marvel fans are expecting something worthy of the brand, and what you're currently planning is not it.

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)


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