May 24, 2019

Super Hero Physical Exam

How do these Super Heroes do what they do? Brains? Brawn? Have best friends who are also super heroes? Special weapons? Perhaps all of the above! Captain America once went against Iron Man in Civil War, and now they all work together for the Endgame. The whole thing is...

Complex. The entire thing is complex. Being a real super hero in a world that wants to drag us down takes more than just brains, brawn, best friends, and the latest weapons of warfare. 

Ask yourself, "What is my endgame? Where do I want to end up?"

Let's do a Super Hero physical exam and find out where we are at. Are we good enough from Marvel's team of Avengers- or even something bigger? What about in God's Kingdom?

Heart Exam- Be a man that chases after what is important to God. Take the time to stop and look deeply at your life and compare it to Jesus. After all, He is not only God in the flesh, he is the standard of what a man should be. Pure, holy, and powerful. 100% sold out to complete the work the Father had given him. And you we glad He did? King David was called a man after God's own heart. Not because he was perfect- he wasn't- but because he kept going back to God again and again. 

Loins- Do you use your body for sex in a way that pleases God? Don't be a Deadpool kind of guy, jumping on anyone who makes your pulse race. Life is so much more than fulfilling your lusts. Drop the porn and the cheap sex to move on. (No, I haven't intentionally seen the movie. I did, unfortunately sit a few rows over from a guy on a plane who was watching what looked like hard core porn graphically simulating anal sex. Then I realized the actor was Ryan Reynolds. What a major disappointment to see him doing this!) 

Examine your Head-  Are you thinking Biblically? Do you think like those in the world or are you being transformed by an ongoing diet of God's Word and applying it? Don't be deceived by the world's way of thinking: "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ." Colossians 2:8.

Neck- Are you easily turned to the right or left when God speaks? Or do you live intentionally and with purpose to please God and make him known? What is the depth of integrity in your life? Be the same person everywhere you go.

Hands- Keeping your hand to the plow takes effort. Constantly. Giving up is just so easy at times. Look what Jesus himself says to someone who wants to follow him in the book of Luke Chapter 9- "Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” Stay at it!

Knees- Be a man of prayer! It's easy to try to do what we think is right and miss the mark. It's much more difficult to move in a wrong way if you are constantly before God in prayer, speaking to Him and seeking to listen to him. He wants to speak to you!

Feet- Walk where God tells you. Does the road look long or hard or one where you'll travel seemingly on your own? Doesn't matter!  Do what He says. Obedience is the issue. Does your road lead to death? It should at least lead to "death to self."

Mouth-  Speak well of others and of our God. Harder than you'd think! In fact, the book of James in the New Testament tells us that even large ships are directed by a small rudder. Our tongue can get us into trouble too many times. Use it wisely.

Weapon Check- Are you prepared? God doesn't call us out to Spiritual Warfare without giving us what we need! The Armor of God gives us the list of weapons: the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit - The Word of God. Our Creator also gives us the Gifts of the Holy Spirit: everything from Miracles and Discernment to Leadership, Mercy, Administration and more. (Twenty-five or so to be exact.) Don't forget- spiritual war is fought with spiritual weapons. You can't do this in your own strength. Like the fictional Steve Rogers, we must be worthy. Ready to be self-sacrificing for things eternal. But it is not our worthiness I'm talking about, because in that case, we all fall short. It is only through the blood of Jesus cleansing us from all sin and brokenness that makes us worthy. He paid the price on our behalf. That is where our true value comes from.

So, how did you do on our Super Hero Physical Exam? Not perfect? Me, neither! But let's agree to keep working on it. We need each other to succeed. Just like real life, a life of faith requires partnership with others. We can't do this alone.

(Images copyright Marvel and DC Comics.)

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