May 2, 2019

Notable and Quotable: Alabama State Representative John Rogers

"Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later. You bring them into the world unwanted, unloved, you send them to the electric chair. So, you kill them now or kill them later."

             Alabama State Representative John Rogers

At least he admits that abortion is murder. He also advocates for abortion including children that are special needs. As a friend of a couple of families with precious special needs kids, I say "No Way."  

Do we even hear what we are saying anymore???


  1. So, if your daughter or niece or wife were raped, you'd want them to keep the rapist's baby?
    If someone you loved were too weak bodily to carry a child, you would want them to risk the pregnancy anyhow?

    What about this planet, with its increasingly cluttered and littered quality of living? What if someone makes the decision not to bring a kid into this place, where people rampantly claim righteousness while poisoning the world around them?

    You are a man, you will never be in a position where this should be your choice, especially not solely.
    Saying "abortion is murder" is an enormous and dangerous generalization.

    And, I do enjoy reading your blog at times, it seems you've a reasonably imaginative and creative mind, but you let some of those man-made religious guidelines constrict rather than assist your progressive thought.

  2. Hi Lana, While I certainly understand what you are trying to say, I fully disagree. And unfortunately, yes, women very close to me as well as female friends have been raped or had unplanned pregnancies or pregnancies where the child was to be born with severe physical difficulties. And I've written about these stories on the blog.

    But Lana, in all circumstances so far, God has worked out even these hard things for good- even when we first do not understand why He has allowed them to happen. He is in charge of what ultimately happens in this world. Even if I don't immediately understand, I guess its why its called faith. I say these things with sincerity not with the least amount of anger or sarcasm.

    And the God I worship is a God of life not death. Thinking His thoughts has given me real freedom vs. being restricted to my own limited mind with a narrow view on how things do work in unison.

    I'm glad you enjoy reading the blog! I love writing for it- and I don't ever shy away from the hard things. As you can tell. :)
