May 16, 2019

Gaylord Rockies Worth the Visit

The Gaylord Rockies, a swank, amenity filled resort, is just the place for a few days of rest and relaxation- especially if you don't leave the grounds. 

The approach to the resort is dull. and the main building itself seems rather plain with just a small dusting of detail. This is particularly true if you are used to the great pioneer themed landmarks of the West of if you are familiar with Disney's incredible Wilderness Lodge in Florida.

Ah, but once inside, the real magic begins!

The indoor waterfall found just past the lobby speaks to the designers intent to get guests to sit and relax. Or eat and relax. Or drink and relax. It's all about soaking in the details and enjoying the experience. 

The indoor water area is especially nice when there's snow outside.

Just on the right side of the bridge is a locomotive!

A gigantic fireplace hearth sets the mood.

Our dining options were surprisingly varied and each excellent. The Mont Jade Japanese / Asian restaurant presented a lovely array of choices, each delicately prepared and varied in flavor. We chose to dine much like we would at a tapas restaurant, choosing many items to share off the menu. Each one was worth every penny, but the shishito peppers were  my favorite. 

The surroundings were as of high quality as the meal! We would eat there again in an instant if it were not so far away.

The view of the Rockies is wisely front and center.

Our room was brand new, so of course, it was nice. That's expected. One thing I did not expect was how large of a resort it was and how big the convention wing. That said, we had plenty to explore and spent our afternoon and into the next day staying inside, enjoying fine meals, good drinks, and a pleasant atmosphere. 

Would we stay over night again? I'm not sure. The price point is high for us, but with the one time Colorado resident special, we couldn't pass the chance to do so.

Regardless of lodging, the Gaylord Rockies is a great place for a drink, a meal, and an evening out!

(Photographs copyright Mark Taft.)

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