April 19, 2019

An Everlasting Love Story

Do you want the kind of love that will last forever? Look no further than to Jesus Christ. But who exactly is Jesus? That's the question we all must answer. Each of us. Believer or not, this question will be asked of us one day. If you don't understand, read ahead and you'll discover the greatest love story ever told.

Today is Good Friday for we who believe and so commemorate the passion of Jesus of Nazareth, meaning his crucifixion on the cross for the sin of mankind... all leading to His Resurrection. 

Think about this: The very measurement of time changed because of this event!
Jesus is controversial- and His story timeless. Magazines still devote cover stories to Him, books continue to be written, songs composed, and films made. Each piece brings to the forefront Jesus' own question to his disciple Peter, and agin, it is one we all must answer: "Who do you say I am?"

Yes, it's true. Just for you and me and the whole earth - from the beginning of time. Jesus chose to lay down his life to redeem us from Hell. The Hell we deserve for our sin. Ever lie? Cheat? Slander? Then, his sacrifice via the cross was just for you. It's a gift that cost him much pain and sorrow. But if you receive this gift of eternal life by choosing and following Him, it's a gift back to Him that will bless him. Yes, something very special.

God is very gracious and loving by making it crystal clear and easy to understand: Jesus Himself says He is the Only Way, the Only Truth, the Only Life and that no one would be able to come to an eternity with God the Father except by receiving Him. (Read the Book of John in the New Testament, Chapter 14). God could have made it difficult to discover, but He did not. It's not from hate or prejudice, it's from love He said what He said and did what He did.

It was His same great love for the people He created- that includes you and me- that caused Him to sacrifice Jesus in our place. And it's His same love that draws you to Him. Can you feel the call to Him in your heart? Does your spirit leap at the sound of His name?
If not, it's time to ask yourself why. 

First comes death on a cross. A brutal and terrifying way to die. Torture like none other. Medically, it's just an awfully painful way to die. (Read about the medical explanation of what this does to a body here.) His radical way to show great love begins with his submission to this kind of death.

But oh, then comes Easter Sunday morning- the Triumph of Jesus over sin and death- for our benefit! Never a victim- always a champion. He accomplished this great mission born from Love- the very mission the Father gave Him. Jesus the triumphant one! Preachers everywhere should remember this! As should the people He gave his life for.

At the end of time, known as the Final Judgment in the Bible, (See the last book of the Bible. It's called "Revelation"), Jesus has returned to earth as the Triumphant King that He is. Mankind, one person at a time, must give an account for how they have lived their life. Those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ and have lived to please Him all their days will proceed to an eternal glory free from pain and suffering.

Unfortunately, not all will believe. He gave men free will to choose. To those who have turned away from Jesus, rejected Him even though He was God's gift to pay for our sins, they will be sent to Hell, the place of fire and torment forever. Hell was designed for Satan and his demonic angels, but those that deny Jesus as Messiah (Christ) and follow their own path, end up in that place as well. It's their choice, not God's.

So, Jesus' question remains: Who do you say that I am?

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