April 22, 2019

50 Years Ago: Richard and Karen Carpenter Sign to A&M Records

It really seems like it was only yesterday that the much beloved duo Carpenters signed to A&M Records, but in fact, it was five decades ago today.  

Sister Karen Carpenter would quickly become world famous for her warm contralto while brother Richard would be recognized for his genius in writing arranging and producing the many hit singles and albums. 

Herb Alpert was very high on the duo, but partner Jerry Moss was not a fan. Eventually he came to appreciate the artistry of the act, and he was certainly happy with all the cash and success they brought to the label. To her fair, time has a way of changing how we view certain people and events.

To this day, over 35 years after her untimely death, Herb speaks fondly of his friend and protege. If rumors are correct, Richard Carpenter is planning something very, very special for fans all over the world. With over 100 million records sold, music lovers from Japan to the U.K. to back home in the U.S.A. are waiting for the next collection of classic Carpenters music.

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