February 19, 2019

Here Piggy!

Solid rumors have it two more Zootopia sequels are on the way, and Shanghai Disneyland just announced a new land to be built at the Chinese park. This cautionary tale of what happens when everyone is not accepted in society has taken a firm hold on the Disney Fan community. 

What's missing in the story and the point its trying to make? It could be represented by one character that was left out of the movie: Mayor Swinton, a female pig that's a bad guy at her core.

While the film has its stereotypes (a sloth as a DMV worker, a male fox as a slicker than slick con man, just to name a few), it's rare if not impossible to find a full realized female villain in the film. Maybe in the sequels. Perhaps then the movie's point will be fairly even handed. One day, we will all be valued for who we are, regardless or race or gender- where people's goodness is not relegated to one type or background or measured against the current political correctness. 

Men with little common sense get deservingly railed on for doing blackface, but when little ole media darling Joy Behar does it, the news pundits seem to forget all about it so so quickly. Double standard, I say. The same could be said for the agenda that may exist behind this film.  

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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