February 15, 2019

A Look at Universal from a Disney Fan's View

It's not only the artists at Disney Imagineering that create some stunning concept art. Take a look at this piece for Jurassic Park at Islands of Adventure. Doesn't it make you want to hop a flight to Orlando? I do!

In real life, the whole Jurassic Park / World is just as exciting and inviting! In fact, Islands of Adventure is one great place.

My last visit to Universal was in 2009, long before Harry Potter made its impact. You see read about my impressions of the place and how it compares to Walt Disney World here. Or if you want a more youthful perspective, my son went for an entire week - and never touched foot on the Disney property - but he had a great time. His trip report begins here and continues for 5 articles.

(Art copyright Universal Creative.)

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