January 27, 2019

C'mon, Yell a Little Louder

We are a culture of hate. 
The louder we scream, the more we think we're heard.
From our social media to news outlets, it seems no one is immune.
We use sound bites to reinforce our views when an entire interview or conversation might make a person seem more balanced and thoughtful.

I'm tired of it all.

Listening to others is a dying art.
Respecting each other must now mean agreeing with each other.
Disagreeing must now mean bigotry. 
It's a black and white world where we categorize people in broad strokes because it's easier and takes less energy than listening and thinking and reconsidering. 

We're a culture of hate, and it is destroying us.

Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters! 
Let every person be quick to listen, slow to speak, 
slow to anger. For human anger does not accomplish 
God’s righteousness.
(James 1:19-20)

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