November 16, 2018

The Whys of Walt Disney World

When I look at what's happening at Walt Disney World, I'm often left with more questions than answers. Sure, it's still a great place to visit, but you'd have to close your eyes not to have some pretty serious questions about its future.

Limiting my "Whys" to three per park, let's start with what once was my favorite American theme park: the woefully neglected and underdeveloped Epcot.

Cheap, cheap, cheap!

  • Why didn't the Imagineers use the amazing original ride system from Universe of Energy to lead to a loading dock for the new Guardians of the Galaxy coaster? Certainly, they could have created an incredible experience that would have made good use of one of the most innovative transportation systems ever. Two rides for one. No brainer.
  • Why has World Showcase lay dormant for so long? Aside from a few new restaurants and the Frozen overlay, practically nothing (let alone perfect) has been done. Ratatouille should be only the beginning of growth. We need new countries added. Brazil. India. Russia. Just about anything.
  • Why has Imagination been left in its sad state? Can't anyone with some clout turn this once beloved ride and exhibit hall into something stunning again? (Oops, that's another question.) Letting the park's beloved mascot be represented by this mess is a crime worthy of punishment. Call in Fuji Film and the Japanese. They seem to know how to do things right

My Magic Kingdom questions are limited to ones I'll share for now. 

Could be so much more!

  • Why hasn't Space Mountain's track been fixed or replaced? The iconic adventure sports a ride so rough that it feels like something from an old sidewalk carnival versus the cutting edge ride it was at opening.
  • Why didn't the suits allow Imagineering to build the major "E Ticket" attraction Japan is getting based on Beauty and the Beast? It should have been part of the whole New Fantasyland complex. As it stands now, Belle's meet and greet is very sweet, but there's not enough meat for the rest of us to get a satisfying experience. Gaston's turkey legs are not enough.
  • Why hasn't Frontierland been expanded with some smaller attractions that round out the time spent in that land? There needs to be more to explore. Bring Nature's Wonderland and the covered wagons back from the dead and to the East Coast.
As it stands now, Disney's Hollywood Studios needs so much more than I can say. But I'll honor my three questions promise for this park as well.

Love Mickey but this should not be his new home.
  • Why kill The Great Movie Ride? This is probably the one that most bothers me. Yes, they should and could have updated it over time with better Audio-Animatronics and newer film choices that would have honored the classics but kept it fresh. I chalk this up to laziness and lack of vision for the larger picture.
  • Why have they not placed Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway into an enhanced Animation area?  Animated films, be they Disney or Pixar, computer rendered or hand drawn are the backbone of Disney's film division. Animation should be honored and celebrated. No one should know this better than the suits. 
  • Last one is a toss up. Do I ask what took so long to bring an Indiana Jones area (including a blockbuster ride) to the park or why it's taken so long to get tired old theater shows replaced with something new? Like I said, the park's a mess, and the opening of Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge will only make the shortcomings more obvious.
I'll leave Animal Kingdom alone for now, but in exchange I'll throw in a few for the resort at large:
  • Why is Disney building generic looking resorts at the expense of theme? Premium prices for lesser quality experiences. 
  • Why have they allowed the disaster of Fast Pass and on line booking requirements remove the laid back feeling of visiting the resort? It was much more fun in years past when not everything had to be decided months in advance.
  • Why are the nicest restaurants in the parks now only premium character dining locations? The Crystal Palace, the Land Grill Room (aka The Good Turn) and others are now reserved only for the elite with cash to burn. It already costs a wallet full of money to go to Disney. Just rubbing our noses in it, I'd say. 

There's my "Whys" for Walt Disney Walt. Disneyland is next.
(Photographs copyright Mark Taft.)

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