November 1, 2018

In the Day Late and Dollar Short Department...

Here's a piece of Haunted Mansion concept art that I hadn't seen in awhile- and I meant to post it earlier but couldn't find it. Imagineer Marc Davis drew up this wickedly interesting little piece. It was never executed into reality, but the idea is an interesting one. Riding through different bedrooms of the mansion could have given riders clues as to how different characters passed. 

Just think- should the Imagineers ever do a version where vehicles select different tours through the mansion, each ride would be a different experience. A bedroom visit could bring an interesting take on something found on a graveyard headstone in Disneyland Paris' more adult Phantom Manor: Loyal Manservant-"Kept the Master Happy" / Faithful Chambermaid- "Kept the Master Happier".

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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