November 9, 2018

Design Detail: Sleeping Beauty Castle

(No, I just don't have the heart to write about one more shooting in the U.S.A. At it's core, it's a sin issue, but it is a complex one.) OK, so on to Sleeping Beauty Castle. The old gal holds up really well after more than 60 years! After being in Disneyland and California Adventure all day long (trip report here), and after having traveled recently to Walt Disney World and staring at theirs (trip report here), let me tell you with full confidence, the small Disneyland castle still has its charms. There's delicate detail to be found on the outside, and inside the walk through attraction oozes lush attention to the most minute aspects. It was almost midnight and I was exhausted when I took this shot. But when I walked around the corner and this was my view, I was hit with a rush of emotions as if I was a little kid all over again. Couldn't help but stare at it and soak it all in. The Imagineers under the leadership of Walt Disney himself knew their stuff! 

(Photograph copyright Mark Taft.)

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