October 10, 2018

A Book of Challenges

Must be a sign I need this more than I know. I'm having difficulty grasping with Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero. I just hate the way he challenges me and thew insights he seems to have. But in my heart of hearts, I know his words are true: There is no spiritual maturity until it is accompanied by emotional maturity. Therefore, the challenge is how to move beyond the wounds must we experience. As I read and reflect and pray, I'm finding fresh hope and a dose of God's love and patience. I'm continuing to grow- and I know that's a good thing! 

1 comment:

  1. Mark, Great post! I loved what you said here, "There is no spiritual maturity until it is accompanied by emotional maturity." I am leading a men's Bible Study right now and that is so true and a great reminder to both me... and through me to the men in the group. Praying for you today my friend and my "brother."

    Always your pal,
    Matt (AKA Amazon Belle)
