August 23, 2018

What?!? Zendaya to Play Ariel in The Little Mermaid?

If the rumors are true, actress and singer Zendaya has been offered the part of Ariel in the live action remake of the classic The Little Mermaid. What are those in charge thinking? Can she really play the part? I mean, Hello! Yes! Absolutely! Hers was a relative star turn in the musical The Greatest Showman, holding her own with Zac Efron and Hugh Jackman. Perfect casting as far as I'm concerned. 

Do I care that she's a woman of color? No. The most qualified person should always play the part. Does an actor have to be straight to play a straight guy? No- and it happens all the time. An actress doesn't have to be "conventionally" gay and be a "gay looking" lesbian to play the new Batwoman either. Or does she? 

Time to grow up, people. Why do we twist the truth when it is to our advantage but cry "Foul!" when the same truth results in something we don't like? I guess the agenda gets revealed and the ends must justify the means. Pure hypocrisy. 

Sorry, Ruby Rose. Seems your strongest fans and advocates have turned against you.

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