June 8, 2018

Sad Look at Karen Carpenter

A very, very, rare and sad photograph of Karen Carpenter. Many folks have commented that she was not in any shape to be promoting her solo disc a few years earlier, but it's clear from this photograph that the beloved singer was in equally bad shape and shouldn't have been on the road to promote their last release before her death, Made in America

A&M Records and Richard Carpenter were no doubt without an idea how to help Karen as she wasted away. She may be gone, but her golden voice lives on forever. I hope a whole new generation discovers the duo's music when Carpenters 50th Anniversary is celebrated next year.

(Photographer unknown.)


  1. I love Karen Carpenter and so did her mother.It is absolutely absurd that people blame her mother for her eating disorder,She became obessed with her appearance and that had nothing to do with her mother.Shame on people for placing blame on her mother for her eating disorder, Growup people. Her mother gave her life and Karen destroyed her life all on her own.

  2. Sadly, I think it’s human nature to look for someone to blame. Thank you for reading.
