March 7, 2018

Ten Years of Insights and Sounds

Today actually marks the 10 Year anniversary of the Insights and Sounds blog! Two thoughts run through my mind as I think about this: "Where did the time go?" and "What was I thinking?" 

Still wondering these same things from time to time as I reflect. I've changed, and I've grown- and so have you if you've been a reader this whole time. The blog's changed too, with a growing focus on serving others who inhabit our planet. One of the best decisions I made was bringing on friend Len Yokoyama at the start of 2017. His fresh perspective, his insights, and his wonderful photography have been welcome additions. The surprises he brings delight me and many of you as he lives in an amazing land and travels to far off places. Thanks, Len.

Over time, I've shared so much more of my heart than I ever intended. In some ways, the blog has also become a journal of sorts, a diary, a travelogue, and even a commentary on difficult times. What have I written? About my love for Jesus, my love for my growing family, and my ongoing appreciation for the timeless music of Karen and Richard Carpenter- in addition to all those posts with great pieces of Disney concept art old and new. 

I can't say what's next, but then, can any of us? This blog may end tomorrow (I've been SO close to ending it at different times) or it could continue another decade or so. Not sure what will happen. At least for me, my life has been one of unexpected changes and blessings, taking me places both figurative and literal that I never expected. Thank you to my wife above all, for making the most of the ride and often leading the way when times got tough.

Closing out my very first post was this simple paragraph, and I repeat it in closing today:

"Why "Insights and Sounds"? A play on words. Kinda thought it would be fun sharing reflections and revelations, music and movie perspectives, travel experiences and photos, and thoughts on faith. Regarding that last piece, a verse out of a letter called First Corinthians happens to be my favorite : "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him." If you check in here often, you'll discover that I'm really a geek at heart, pretty sentimental, not sophisticated, and for the most part, that I really like people. Hope that works for you!"

Thank you for reading along!

"Think beyond your lifetime if you want to accomplish something truly worthwhile.” 

Walt Disney

1 comment:

  1. Happy 10th Anniversary to Insights and Sounds, Mark! On the way for ten more years? :-)
