January 5, 2018

Rare Great Movie Ride Art

The Great Movie Ride was everything a classic Disney attraction should be! Everything but updated, that is. May it rest in peace. But here's a rare piece of Imagineering concept art for this original Disney Hollywood Studios / Disney-MGM Studios attraction. The clever Imagineers looked to have a bit of fun portraying the bank robbery scene. 

Every visit I rode it, I absolutely loved taking on newcomers. When the tour guide leaves the ride vehicle only to be replaced by the bad guy, I just loved the faces of the guests. They seemed to be shocked that Disney would incorporate something so fresh, cast member reliant, and absolutely unexpected into a big, high tech, E Ticket attraction. In 1989 at park opening, this twist certainly surprised me as well! Of course, the surprise return of the driver later on was just as fun. Those were the best days of the Studios! The future looked bright.

Ever curious about the history of the park? Take a look at my mega article celebrating its 25 years. Grab your coffee - or your whiskey, cowboy- and plan to sit for a spell. It's full of vintage photos I took in 1989, loads of concept art, and a whole story of the park's history. Enjoy!

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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