January 19, 2018

Deserted Epcot

Have you ever in your life seen Epcot so empty? I kid you not! These photographs were taken in the afternoon- post lunch when the crowds should be pressing in. But as you can see, it was an easy walk around the park.

These really were not carefully timed photos in order to make a point.

Looking across the lagoon toward the Mexico pavilion, you can see there wasn't a crush of crowds waiting to go in and take a boat ride.

Back to the American Adventure. A walk in the park.

Oh Canada! Your gardens are lovely, full of charm, and peaceful. It's quite eerie to see such empty public spaces in World Showcase.

Future World wasn't any more populated. Strange.

What was the key to all these empty spaces? They were taken by me on a visit on August 23, 2007- a decade ago in a month when everyone was back to school. Perhaps the only time of year the park (doesn't yet) have a festival.

(Photographs copyright Mark Taft.)

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