December 15, 2017

Tale of Three Ships

The waterways at Disney theme parks have always provided a nice respite from the heat. But they also provide some terrific renderings! Here's a nice albeit miniature collection of Disney Imagineering concept art with a nautical focus. Each piece is in a size you'll certainly want to enlarge and save. 

Up at the top: This is an absolutely beautiful piece of concept art celebrating the riverboat at the Magic Kingdom's unique Liberty Square. Look at this detail! The Hall of Presidents sits in the distance as does Cinderella Castle. I love the trio of folks on the riverbank just watching the vessel go by. It's these kind of details that make Disney art so appealing. Much better than some of there newer pieces where people are photoshopped in!

Next up is a look at a long abandoned Disney theme park idea, Disney's America. The patriotic themed park in Virginia was derailed by the locals only to have the land later replaced by strip malls and very commonplace buildings found anywhere in suburbia. The only redeeming factor of the cancellation seems to be the remaining pieces of art. As you can see, this park looks to represent a perhaps more gritty look at our history, but it's not one without celebration. Wouldn't it have been great to watch a fireworks show with a replica Statue of Liberty in the background? What lost opportunities. 

Not all Disney seaworthy vessels are outdoors. Yes, it's Splash Mountain shown here. In one of the largest set pieces ever built, the amazing adventure down the longest and steepest flume ride ever built culminates with a stunning view of the party going on aboard the Zip A Dee Doo Dah Lady. (If I can remember the name correctly.) 

This is just the beginning of your seaworthy adventure. Back on the Rivers of America, there's the canoes, the Tom Sawyer Island Rafts and more. You can add the Columbia Sailing Ship, the Wicked Wench, and of course all of the submarines found in the Stateside Disney parks. (Not to mention the Jungle Cruise boats or those found on the canals of Storybookland.) Of course, once outside North America, there's even more vessels to be found. Am I missing any?

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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