October 4, 2017


"Amerikahito wa Nihon no dizunīpākufan no shittobukai." Yes, that is what the title of this post is. OK, it's a Japanese phrase that actually - and accurately- means the following:  "We Americans are jealous of Disney Park fans in Japan." 

This incredible photo from the sky shows Mount Prometheus at the still amazing Tokyo DisneySea. The other Asia parks, even Shanghai Disneyland, cannot compare with the place. Hong Kong Disneyland may have Mystic Manor and Shanghai the stunning, shiny, version of Pirates of the Caribbean, but overall, nothing compares to the majesty of Tokyo's second park. And just wait until Tokyo Disneyland premiers its new Beauty and the Beast Super "E Ticket" attraction through Beast's castle. It'll be the envy of park fans everywhere.

(Image copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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