October 19, 2017

Animal Kingdom's Beastly Loss

Take a look at this gorgeous piece of concept art for Disney's abandoned and absolutely missed Beastly Kingdom(me). If you've followed the them park world for any amount of time, you all know this idea gave way to Avatar / Pandora, and while I won't say which I would have preferred, there's no denying it's just beautiful. Except, truth be known, it's not even Disney and not even for Animal Kingdom!

The piece is really designed by a vary talented young artist, Luc Steadman for the theme park design firm Thinkwell Group. The proposed Monkey King park in China. Sorry for the prank! I'm a bit sick today, and I just wanted to have a bit of fun. But this all goes to show, Disney Imagineering is not the only game in town anymore- and as we know, North America is not the only hot spot for theme parks.

(Art copyright Lac Steadman and Thinkwell Group.)

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