September 8, 2017

Wonders of China

Now that Shanghai Disneyland is up and running, the suits must be relieved as they have been courting China for a park for at least a decade- if not longer - when you look at what it took to get the Chinese government to work with them for EPCOT Center. 

This attraction poster for Wonders of China captures a bit of the magic the filmed adventure brings to World Showcase. If you look closely,  it is actually a poster for Disneyland. Looking for something to replace the American Journeys Circle-Vision 360 film (itself coming from Florida), the suits plucked Wonders of China.  

A more recent revision caused the film to be renamed Reflections of China. Still a beautiful if shortened presentation in the Temple of Heaven recreation. There's much more to be discovered in this beautiful corner of World Showcase. A decent restaurant, a pretty good fast service cafe, acrobatic performances, and a plethora of shopping.

China makes her place known in Future World as well. Soarin' Around the World takes guests over the Great Wall. It's not Ride the Dragon, the proposed coaster for the once proposed Westcot, but its a much more authentic slice of the country.

(Art and images copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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