September 25, 2017

Return from Paradise

How can it be that my heart grieves and rejoices at the same time? Easy. Just now returning from a long needed trip to Kauai with my wonderful wife. It was beyond wonderful! The beauty of the island and the time alone with my wife was just what The Doctor ordered. Using many miles from all my business travels, we were able to go for $11 a person. Hard to pass that up!

Days at the beach swimming and snorkeling, seeing the sights, and waking up to the sound of the ocean was the perfect complement to spending time alone with my lovely bride.

Granted, this isn't a great photo from my friend and excellent photographer Len Yokoyama, but it's the best I can do in capturing the beauty of God's creation. (Yes, fellow Disney fans, I really did go all the way to Hawaii and skipped seeing the Aulani Resort.) I'm positive that God created Kaui'i and then stopped, saying to Himself- "THIS is perfection!"

(Photograph copyright Mark Taft.)


  1. Good heavens... your photo looks like one of Daryl Millard's paintings. Check it out.

    Always your pal (and brother in Christ!),
    Amazon Belle

  2. Amazing, Matthew! We walked by an art gallery, and I commented to my wife how much I loved this guy's work. BTW- no filters or anything done to my photo. You're looking at God's creation exactly as it was that evening.
