March 20, 2022

Turning Red: Meilin Does It

Meilin from Turning Red absolutely does it. Certainly Aladdin and Abu do it. My favorite Disney character Buzz Lightyear was forced to do it. Every protagonist in most well done films do it. 

Pondering the meaning and purpose of our lives, what lies ahead, and how to navigate it is something each man or woman must consider. Why? It's programmed into us to think beyond the here and now! Check this out:

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."  (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

Folks that only live for the moment go from one experience to the next, be it the travel to come, the next paycheck, the upcoming party, or even the next adventure in sex. And mankind as a whole has come to see there's just so much more than what's in front of us. And that, friends, includes eternity.

Age is sneaking up on me, and I find myself considering the future more often than not. This means coming to grips with regrets, giving myself grace, being thankful for my life, staying hopeful, and choosing to bless and not curse the people God brings into my life. I guess it is true that faith, hope and love are the most important things. 

What journey is God leading you on? Where will it lead?

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