September 13, 2017

An English Garden, You Say?

Funny, how a small comment can make you think some things and make you look at your blessings a bit differently.

We recently had some new friends over, and his comment coming into our home was "Walking towards your front door, I felt as if I was in an English garden." 

It wasn't until the next day when I was taking a break from reading my Bible and looking out the front window that I thought of his words. I started to look around. It really was a pretty if small area. 

Framed by an arbor with a beautiful blooming vine and a small garden of purple, pink and white flowers are set against the green exterior of the house with its white windows, I could see where my friend might think this while on the front walkway.

Made me stop and thank God for living in such a nice place! We're certainly not in the best neighborhood or the worst. We're pretty middle class by any way you look at it. It's definitely not a show home from HGTV, but God has been wonderful to us. 

I guess that was the whole point!

(Not my house and not my photo. Photographer unknown.)

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