August 28, 2017

Taylor Swift's Sweet Revenge

Look, I've got nothing to prove in this at all. Taylor Swift is back in a big - even if its Nasty (apologies to Janet Jackson)- sort of way. Is her new song, Look What You Made Me Do about Katy Perry? Hard to say. Or is it about her fans who have created this personae? 

Either way, Revenge is not a good thing. As we focus on it, it creates an ongoing bitterness and hatred that ends up defining our character. Oh, the song. It's catchy but certainly not among her best. And I'm not even a fan. What happened to that great songwriter and girl next door? As Taylor herself says, "She's dead." Too bad. " Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord." Romans 12:9. It would certainly do her well to follow this advice. Us, too, for that matter.

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