August 1, 2017

Live From Universal Orlando Resort- Day One: Universal Studios

Fresh from this morning! A trip to Universal Orlando for 5 days- and not a Disney park on the plan. Why? Two words: Harry Potter. The boy wizard was THE draw for my youngest son and one of his best friends. They'd wanted to do this trip since Harry made his debut at Islands of Adventure years ago. And, good for them, they finally did.

Using an early morning entry, into the park they went... 

The verdict so far? And I quote, "Better than Everest!"

Stay tuned for more as the day- and the week- goes on!


Guess it's time for something to eat. The guys must be starved.
How about The Leaky Cauldron?

Did they just step into the films? The execution of the story seems incredible! It's making me rethink my visit next year to Orlando- and I haven't even seen more than the first film.

Next up I heard was to buy a wand at some shop around the corner...

Apparently, there's quite a selection of these. I'm guessing these are a bit more popular than the mini-banshees sold at Disney's Animal Kingdom at Pandora. I would think multiple million-selling books and a blockbuster film series may have something to do with it.

 A bit of a show, I'm told.

The final selection. More to come...
The Mummy, Duffs, and Butterbeer- what a combination!

"How was The Mummy?", this dad asked. "Insane!" was the reply. I knew it would be a hit with its sequence of shows scenes and tricks up its sleeve. 

Being that The Simpsons was a big favorite for my son, he was sure to get a kick out of Homer's themed land. And he sure did. But the call of Harry Potter brought him back to Gringott's and a stop for Butterbeer.

In the theme park wars, it sounds as if Universal has the young adult market owned with its mix of more edgy and extreme attractions. Now I understand better why the family market is the focus of its advertising. In fact, according to my son, Minions had a 2.5 hour wait about an hour ago. Just goes to show there are less attractions for the younger kids there.

I wonder what's next...

(Photographs copyright Mark Taft.)

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