July 3, 2017

New Hope for Walt Disney Studios Paris

Poor maligned Walt Disney Studios Paris! It's saddled with a poor layout, no real sense of focus, and most unfortunate of all, being right next door to the most beautiful Magic Kingdom ever created! As with many lesser projects, beautiful concept art can still be created by Imagineering, as this piece from Christian Hope shows. (Love the name, by the way.)

While Disneyland Paris is consistent in theme and execution, the Studios park is hit and miss: There's the gorgeously themed area surrounding Ratatouille right around the corner from the minimally themed Toy Story area. Then you've got the rather fun and cute Crush's Coaster - still an obvious box however- next to the carnival like attractions and landscapes of the rest of Toon Studios. (The simple little Cars area right next door to the Aladdin spinner!) 

Help is on the way in the form of Marvel. Or is it? Certainly the here and now landscapes of the Avengers does not lend itself to an interesting atmosphere. God forbid the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror changes to Guardians of the Galaxy! The building is found directly in the center of it all, the main focus of the park sight lines  But alas, we may be headed that way. Time will tell.

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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