April 5, 2017

Dubai Disneyland to the Rescue

After the collective thud heard world over due to the stunning lack of success of Dubai Parks and Resorts grand opening, could a brand new Dubai Disneyland back be on the table? 

In spite of all the freebie trips offered bloggers as well as traditional news sources, guests have not emerged in large masses to the resort. The earliest reviews were less than favorable. Sources from even kinder folks, such as Theme Park Insider, have returned to the old adage, "If you can't say something nice..." 

Bollywood Parks Dubai might be a fresh concept, but its not drawing in the crowds. Nor is Motiongate Dubai with its less than stellar attraction line-up. Check out on line photos for yourself.  Legoland could be a draw- I mean, who doesn't love the interlocking blocks that have taken over the world?

When a brand new resort discounts this soon after opening, the signs are not good. So, what are the investors to do? Reputations are fragile. A ton of investment is also on the line. Are they desperate enough? If so, well- it's time to call in the clear leader in themed entertainment: Disney.

Coming off a successful launch of Shanghai Disneyland as well as much hype of Avatar / Pandora and the upcoming Stars Wars Land and new additions using Marvel, The Walt Disney Company is in a pretty fine position to negotiate a sweet deal to being a Magic Kingdom to the Middle East. As you can see from the concept art above, Cars Land is a key element as is Star Wars and a whole new take on Main Street U.S.A. 

It wouldn't take too much time to reimagine a whole new world. All it takes is for someone to cry "Uncle"-  as in Walt.

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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