February 19, 2017

Happy President's Day

I hope all the readers of "Insights and Sounds" are having a wonderful and blessed three day weekend! President's Day is not a heavily celebrated holiday here in the islands, unless you're a state worker (and have Monday off). With the sensitive issues of native Hawaiian rights always present, it's probably not the most revered date on the calendar either. Nonetheless, I thought it appropriate to share some photos I took of fireworks two nights ago. The two biggest holidays involving aerial pyrotechnics are New Year's Eve (due to strong Chinese cultural traditions) and the 4th of July. Nothing is done in particular for President's Day, but the Hilton Hawaiian Village does a weekly show every Friday near the Duke Kahanamoku lagoon. It's a short affair, lasting maybe 3 1/2 minutes or so. But fireworks are fireworks, whether of a short duration or a Disney park affair (I knew I could work some connection to the parks in this post). And since fireworks are inherently patriotic, what's better than linking it to this holiday installment.

And just so I can work in a shout out to our Lord, the bible says to pray for our leaders so that they may have wisdom, compassion, and justness in guiding our country.

So to everyone..."Happy President's Day" from the shores of Waikiki!

 (Photographs Copyright 2017 Len Yokoyama)

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