February 1, 2017

Chasing a Lion I'm Afraid to Catch

Starting a new month and a new chance to get back on track with all those New Year's resolutions. Over Christmas, my son-in-law gave me this book: Chase The Lion- If Your Dream Doesn't Scare You, It's Too Small by author Mark Batterson. Perhaps I had gotten to the point of being beaten down and forgetting how to dream. Or my dreams have taken me places I never expected. 

No matter- I started reading it again after putting it down for a few weeks. (I get books given to me all the time, so I just taken them in order received.) 

Today, I was once again encouraged. As Followers of Jesus, the truth is that dreams are given to us by God in order to reveal His Glory and majesty. All too often, I think they are for my own benefit. But going for it comes at a price. Scorn from others, letting go of what is comfortable, and fear of failure. Those things stop me more than I'd like to admit. Yet, there are times when I am thrilled that God has chosen me, a sinful, broken but forgiven and restored man, to do His work in His name in my world. However small it may be. It's been five years since I gave up the old life for one that was full of life. Maybe it's time to chase the lion again. What about you?

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