January 22, 2017

No Man's Land for Locals

Waikiki is one of the first destinations for most visitors and tourists. And understandably so. Its mythical allure was reinforced by Hollywood in movies and tv shows. Postcards and advertising also added to its status as a destination spot.

The reality is a bit different for local residents. While the city and county has done much to improve the area in the last 20 years, parking is still tight and costs a small fortune. Stores and restaurants are resort level prices, making it a poor value for a night out with the family. Even in my earlier years, the only time I would head into this tourist zone was to watch a movie (this was before multiplexes popped up on every corner).

But there is a lot to love about Waikiki, it's where Duke Kahanamoku rode the waves on his surfboard and the pink majesty of the Royal Hawaiian still sits elegantly on the edge of the shoreline. It's with this in mind that I decided to break my own rule and get out there to take some photos.

Hope everyone is having a blessed weekend!

              (Photographs Copyright 2017 Len Yokoyama)


  1. I have always wanted to stay at the Royal Hawaiian! Please do share some photos of the place. Your great eye for detail would result in a wonderful post!

  2. Mark, Sue and I actually stayed there a few years back. Our good friend (also named Mark) works there and got us a suite for under a hundred dollars. I wasn't into photography at the time, so I don't currently have any photos to share. I'm thinking about going back there to photograph the hotel properly (I'll keep you posted).
