December 31, 2016

This Could Be the End

Happy End of Year 2016, and Hello 2017! It was not either the best of times or the worst of times. Like most years, it was a very varied mixture of both. Personally, professionally, and in my volunteer life.

You may have noticed I have not done my annual best of the year type post or my expectations and hopes for the new one. Why? 2017 will be the year to complete my 10th year of writing this blog. Will I continue beyond that? I don't know. The absolute truth is, I'm really out of inspiration when it comes to writing. And I'm tired. Pretty bored with many things Disney. 

Sure, there are great stories to be told. For example my 50th year anniversary of Disneyland's Pirates of the Caribbean mega-post begs for completion. So does my piece on California's unbuilt and amazing Westcot - with some pretty rare artwork to go along with the words. (Along with over 200 new pieces I've started but never finished writing!)

I do have one new slice of news to share tomorrow. It should make many of you very happy. I'm very excited, and you'll read it and understand why the blog is still going to be around. Next year's articles will not be as frequent, perhaps it will be something in between regular posting and closing the blog. How's that for commitment? Either way, change is coming. Thanks for reading all these years. May God Bless You and Draw You to Himself in fresh ways. Stay tuned.

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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