December 28, 2016

San Francisco's Palace of Fine Arts

Does this lovely building look familiar to you? If you're big a fan of Disney theme parks, you probably recognize it as being the inspiration for the California Adventure building which housed Golden Dreams starring Whoopi Goldberg. The film was actually pretty good even if it was originally supposed to be an Audio-Animatronics attraction like the American Adventure at Epcot and even if it included the obnoxious Ms. Goldberg as its star. Now, the repainted rotunda is just the entrance to the Little Mermaid attraction.

Back to the building. In reality this structure is the beautiful, stunning, and very large Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco. My wife took this shot on an exceptionally beautiful Northern California day as we were touring the city and the surrounding towns this past June. San Francisco is a must-see city justifiably famous for its landscapes, restaurants and attractions.

What a view! What a city!

I have about 400 photos of our time there in the city as well as at the coast of the Pacific Ocean and Napa. My original goal was a trip report to cover it all including my first visit to the Walt Disney Family Museum. But I make no promises. Remember my Switzerland series?

(Photographs copyright Mark Taft.)

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