December 29, 2016

Blossoms of Light

One of the most anticipated winter activities in our house - at least with me- is the once a year opportunity to see Blossoms of Light at the Denver Botanical Gardens. Parking is always a mess (the city was not built to handle the numbers of people who now call this home), and the crowds are high, but the experience is worth it.

My favorite shot of this year's event.

The entire trip through the gardens takes about an hour or so. In the early visits, they used to serve hot chocolate and even had small plates for purchase, so you could "nosh" your way around the place.

The not so hidden path.

In addition to the crowds, the one change I did not appreciate this year was the new absence of Christmas music as you walked around. This always made it extra special, a bit of charm that you only got during this season. 

The gazebo.

There were a few new additions that added immensely to the evening's experience. Outdoor gazebos were decorated as well as the elegant home that is part of the grounds. I'm fairly certain I saw Santa and his elves working upstairs!

(Photographs copyright Mark Taft.)

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