May 27, 2016

Promises, Promises

All this Disney talk about Pirates of the Caribbean and Tron at Shanghai Disneyland,  Frozen at Epcot, Guardians of the Galaxy taking over Tower of Terror, and Star Wars Land vs. Avatar / World of Pandora at the parks. All promising to make the parks places we have to go see. It's enough to make a theme park fan's head explode. I've gotta stop.

Right now, my head is filled with bigger things. As I have been reading my Bible - through the Psalms, actually- God has been reminding me of His promises. Both for all believers and for me through those private words where the Scriptures come alive and speak in a very personal way. There's dates next to those verses and brief descriptions about what was going on at the time I wrote it down. All very powerful reminders of how personal God is! 

There's also that file in my cabinet. The manila folder filled with written messages people have given me over the decades. Words of encouragement from God while they were praying for me. How many have come to pass! 

Lastly, there's one particular spoken word given to me during a time of worship from a man I'd never met. Almost 20 years ago, he spoke to me. My wife and I did not understand it at the time, but a decade later, we saw it come to pass. Just as he said. And it's changed our lives in a good way, even though its been hard to walk it out. Funny, it happened - and it wasn't until almost another 7 or 8 years until we remembered that spoken word. 

God is faithful! If He has given you a promise, He will bring it to pass. Hold onto that!

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