January 12, 2016

Can't Say

This post is deliberately being written and positioned well after the fact, after the events for a reason. I just can't say much other then this: I ran into a man who had caused my family tremendous harm over several years. I've been working on forgiveness- which means choosing to forgive and asking God to complete the work in me. I guess God has made progress. I was able to greet him, talk for a moment, and move on.

One of my favorite restaurants closed this week. It was a place I was able to go to in relative quiet and work, study, write, and pray. The last time I lost my place like this, it was expected, but this was not at all. No notice. Absolutely nothing. Zero. Just an empty shell of a restaurant building- now all it holds is great memories of friends and family gathered together to enjoy wonderful food.

I wonder what God is doing...

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