January 8, 2016

A New Magic Kingdom

For generations, Disneyland and its sister Magic Kingdom parks have inspired countless artists and those who want to be Imagineers. (Yours truly included as a young teen.)

Here is one of the most elaborate and beautifully rendered new Magic Kingdoms. A brilliant artist, Mr. Zahta has combined elements of Disneyland, the Magic Kingdom, Disneyland Paris, Hong Kong Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea into one incredible, but unfortunately imaginary, park. So far, from what I can see, there's even Shanghai Disneyland influences and who knows- maybe a bit of Dubai Disneyland mixed in. (Yes, you really can find art for Dubai Disneyland on this blog if you look for it!).
I'm always excited for a new Magic Kingdom, but I'm even more excited for this one Jesus promises: "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." It's a kingdom we can have now by knowing God through Jesus, and it's a kingdom that brings freedom from anxiety. (See Matthew 6:33). Jesus said, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by me." These words from John 14:6 means because of his great love for us, Jesus makes the truth clear and easy to understand. Do you want and need His Kingdom? I know I do!

Click on this for an incredibly large image and enjoy!
(Art copyright Mr. Zahta.)


  1. Eh, I don't know. In my advanced age of 33 I find that I really appreciate the value that Frontierland, New Orleans Square, and Liberty Square bring to Disney castle parks - a sense of rootedness and history is important, otherwise it becomes a giant cartoon. Hollywood Boulevard/Sunset Boulevard, World Showcase, Africa/Asia, and some of the DisneySea lands accomplish this as well - this layout is a bit too "fantasyland" for me.

  2. I really agree with your "value" comment- and I love the historical aspects of the two Stateside parks.
    This was just so wonderfully done!
    Thanks for reading, Chris.
