December 27, 2015

Sledding in a Winter Wonderland

 Twas the day before Christmas and all through the backyard, the boys were all sledding... while the women stayed inside chatting and enjoying that second cup of coffee!

 Visiting kids and grandkids made it  very special day. It was a fairly warm December day- with just enough snow and a bit of ice to make a great sledding route.

This grandson would spend all day outside, going up and down the hill in our backyard. Forwards, backwards, sideways. It doesn't matter in the least bit as long as its fast!

Here's our "miracle boy" who days before his birth, my daughter and son in law were told he would be severely deformed as part of his brain was missing. Who'd have guessed a day or so before delivery, God would fully create the part of his brain that was missing. Our God is personal and cares for the people He created!

The old grandpa himself- what a joy to have so many grandkids!

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