November 21, 2015

An American in Paris: A Tribute (Day Four)

I have so enjoyed reading my own trip reports! It sounds funny to say this, but as I have been reading, a flood of memories returned- also making me want to once again visit the gorgeous city! Or at least look at the thousands of photographs I took. 

Let me encourage you to journey to this amazing city! I know that the terror of the last week will not stop the people of Paris, nor will it stop me from returning. The only question now is when.

Please enjoy the last piece of the series. May God Bless the people of Paris!

Alright, I'll admit it: I cheated with this first photo, since I took it on Day Two, when we visited Notre Dame. Given it is written in the Disney font, I couldn't resist. It perfectly captures how I feel about this city with a special Disney flair.

It was a long but glorious Day Three spent at Disneyland Paris. I absolutely love the place and always depart with a mixture of thankfulness and sadness. Sadness as I know it could always be my last visit, but thankfulness that I could spend another day there due to God's goodness to me. 

We slept in until the very last minute, rushing to shower and check out. Walked to the shopping center at Val d'Europe for a quick late breakfast bite and some strong French coffee. Then it was back on the RER train to our motel by the airport- and back to the City of Lights for our last day.

Our top priority was the Musee d'Orsay, the old train station filled to the brim with amazing sculpture and the incredible work from the Impressionists. My favorite works of art are found here, and every visit to Paris must include a stop.

To call the museum building a converted train station is to do it a severe injustice. It is a work of art unto itself! At about the 5th floor, guests find a nice little cafe with a cracked glass mirror that elegantly and artistically reflects the gorgeous and large clock found on the back wall.

On Sundays, entrance to most of the museums is free. Easy on the budget but difficult as crowds are packed- absolutely packed, making leisurely touring next to impossible. No matter, we were not going to miss a visit.

Following our tour, we took a rest and ate at this little cafe shown above. The service was fine but the diners were a bit rushed mentally. We had places to go, but the elegant surroundings and the delicious quiche were both meant to be savored. 

Exiting the museum, it was starting to get dark, but this didn't stop us from going a bit of exploring. Our last destination would be Monmarte, a most beautiful section of town. The artists colony of Paris.

We were not disappointed! The decorations, the beautiful blue lights that sparkled in the night sky, the festive spirit of Christmas everywhere we looked. Lovely. Just lovely.

Are these too may photos? I think not! But then, I am the photographer, and it was our little getaway- an unexpected, totally surprising little gift from God in the midst of a business trip. Who would have guessed?

Sneaking into a little chocolate shop for our last Parisian treat of the evening, we stumbled upon a glorious chocolate version of the Eiffel Tower

Of course, we walked out with a few tiny morsels to share. The perfect way to reward ourselves for walking all evening.

It was getting later and later, but we chose to avoid the obvious. It was time to go back to our hotel, as we were departing tomorrow for the business portion of my trip. One last look behind us for a quick shot of Sacre Couer

We did not stop to see my favorite landmark as we had on each previous night. I now regret it. But this photo is a perfect way to end my four day trip report. The memories I have of this trip are among my most treasured. It was an anniversary trip to remember.

(All photographs copyright Mark Taft.)

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