October 14, 2015

Castle Jumping the Shark?

Perhaps it happens to all television shows. Is it inevitable? I'm not sure. Could Castle be the exception?

Let me say this upfront: I love this television show. Like most of the ones we watch, we did not come to follow it from its inception. We were stuck at home on a wintery day, and we wanted something fresh to watch. We have loved Friends, Criminal Minds, and Downton Abbey, but frankly, we were a bit bored. 

Gotta love the 40s!

I stumbled upon Castle. Of course, I knew of it, but we had never really watched the show. Not that I can remember the episode, but I can say we were taken by Nathan Fillion's charm as Rick Castle and the sharp and savvy take on Detective Kate Beckett played by Stana Katic. So we decided to check out the series from the beginning- thank you, Netflix. Instant win from episode one.

Of course, we have our favorite episodes! We love the suspense of the continued storylines of serial killers (3XK- could there have been a better ending!?! No. Absolutely perfect!) and crooked senators. The humorous stories are great fun! I love the retro episodes, Blue Butterfly and Once Upon A Time in the West, among many others. 

Season Eight, however, is leaving us wanting more. Why they have split makes sense from a network ratings standpoint, but it does not make sense from the storyline itself. Episodes One, Two and Three left me cold. I'll say I don't trust one new recurring character and don't like the other. But here's hoping the series redeems itself...and brings Kate and Rick back together were they belong.

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