May 17, 2015

Torn Between Worlds

In a new season where I find myself torn between two worlds: the one I live in most of the time and the one I live in temporarily as I am working. The problem is, having a new job at home means trying to fit in all over again. It's not something easy to do, particularly in a world that is already established with little room for anyone new. It's part of having two jobs that are heavy in the emotional spectrum of life; jobs where you serve others but also must fit in to be produce good results. The tension is choosing to persist in both- one, because I feel drawn to both worlds, and two, because I see no way around the tension between them. It's living out the life of faith in a new way. Many times, I need the world of the Apostle Paul to remind me that I am actually a citizen of a third world: one which belongs to God and that this earth is my temporary home. The struggle remains because how I live my life here and who I impact has eternal results. Not exists in a vacuum. It's doesn't work that easy in my life. Or in yours.

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