February 20, 2015

Something Sweet: New Orleans Square Candy Shop

I just had to post something fun today. With the previous two posts on Robert Iger and the Huffington Post hush up and the earlier post that addresses the possible connection between President Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood, I was angry and concerned and reminded once again of the egocentric and corrupt nature of man. 

But God has only given his human beings the incredible gift of creativity! And in the Disney world, few Imagineers were more gifted in illustration than the talented Herb Ryman

Above is a rarely seen piece of concept art for a candy shop in New Orleans Square at Disneyland. It's a sweet piece of work! The inclusion of the Sisters of Mercy is a trademark of Herb's, also found in this classic piece below.

Don't you just love the original entrance to Pirates of the Caribbean? It's too bad that increased crowds and the installation of FastPass made it necessary to build a bridge for traffic and destroy the simple elegance of it.

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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