February 23, 2015

Another Disney Blunder- NPH Hosts World of Color for the 60th

Just another sign of how arrogant and out of touch Disney management is with the core of their guests. Neil Patrick Harris, the host of the 2015 Oscars- whose ratings dropped to a six year low- has been chosen to be the host for the brand new World of Color Show at California Adventure during Disneyland's 60th Anniversary.

Was he funny as all get out on the extremely well written and popular "How I Met Your Mother". Absolutely. Is he pushing the limits of good taste by his Oscar antics? Yes. Seems lately he is all about the shock value side of entertainment. 

Is NPH a big fan of Disney parks? Sure. But he's the wrong choice for the Disney brand of entertainment. Especially for this banner year. 

Where is Dick Van Dyke when you need him? At least he would bring a bunch of fun and a lot of charm to the proceedings.


  1. I'm assuming you're okay with his shock value as long as he plays a straight character? And what core guests are you referring to?

  2. Disney's core guests are those the company was built on. Those wanting "warm" not cynical and edgy entertainment. And I don't care what kind of character he or anyone plays.

  3. Sounds like you have a problem with gay men.

  4. No, I know plenty of them and have a few that are friends. Sorry, but my post has nothing to do with NPH's sexuality.

  5. What Oscar antics? Are you talking about when he parodied the scene from Birdman where Michael Keaton character got locked out of the theater in his underwear? That skit made perfect sense to me.

    I am not a big fan of NPH hosting the WoC, but I will wait and see until I make a judgement. He is already in DCA as the voice of California Screamin'

  6. I'm just not a big fan of cynical and "edgy" entertainment. The tongue in cheek stuff. (It's one reason why DCA 1.0 didn't cut it for me.) There's enough of that in the real world.

    I got NPH's skit re: Birdman. I was just hoping Disney would look to their rich history for who to be "the face" of the celebration, much like Julie Andrews was for the 50th.

  7. He is not always tongue and cheek, "edgy" humor. People still like him nonetheless and is very popular. Like his voice on Screamin', just did a boardwalk barker voice and is fine. His ratings for the Oscars aren't a way to judge his popularity.

  8. Yeah, I know he's popular, regardless of the Oscar ratings. My point is I just think he is the wrong guys for the job. It's a gut and taste thing. Has nothing to do with anything else about him.
