January 1, 2015

Untying the New Year

A new year and a fresh beginning. Happy New Year!

Most of us carry expectations into the year, wishing and hoping we see some things come to pass. Sometimes it means working hard and getting down to business to see what we want come to fruition. Other times, God drops blessings right in our laps because of His great love for us.

So, it's time for me to put away the festivities, focus, and take some time to move ahead.

This blog has been something I've enjoyed, hated, and looked at as a combination journal, travelogue, social commentary, and historical review. I've always wanted it to be fun as well. After six years, I am asking myself, "Where am I going in 2015?"

The real world is taking more and more time. New job, busy life, less large chunks of time to really write.  So, here's my promise: I'll post when I can, continuing on sharing about the things I love. It may not be as frequent, but I want to keep writing, especially as my life keeps changing. 

I've tried to get a head start on things, so those of you who are fans of Disney concept art may want to hang around. Starting tomorrow...

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