January 31, 2015

Art for Disneyland's Carnation Gardens

Every once in awhile, I stumble across something in my files that I even forgot I had! Such is the case with this little piece of concept art for Main Street U.S.A.'s now defunct Carnation Plaza Gardens

From the earliest days of my visits to Disneyland, I was used to seeing big name Big Band era stars playing at the Gardens. I even took it for granted, I guess. It was just one of those things Walt Disney and crew did just because. 

Back when the crowds were lower, it was not uncommon to walk the lesser known areas of the park and hear live entertainment. Be it Buddy Rich at the Gardens or an evening in Polynesia at the Tahitian Terrace (those were the days!), evenings were spectaular at the park.

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company)

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