December 10, 2014

Star Wars Attractions: Big, New, Better?

In an interview with Variety magazine, Robert Iger confirms that the Star Wars attractions planned for this Disney parks will not be from a mix of old and new films. He directed the Imagineers to focus on the new films coming, starting with The Force AwakensFair enough. 

What's really intriguing is this little tidbit:
“I keep telling J.J. Abrams this is a $4 billion movie,” Iger said, in reference to the Lucasfilm deal, not the actual budget of the film. “We need to treat this very special. It’s an unbelievable privilege and unbelievable responsibility to take a jewel and treat it in a way that is respectful of its past but brings it into the future.” “I keep telling J.J. Abrams this is a $4 billion movie,” Iger said, in reference to the Lucasfilm deal, not the actual budget of the film. “We need to treat this very special. It’s an unbelievable privilege and unbelievable responsibility to take a jewel and treat it in a way that is respectful of its past but brings it into the future.”

We'll believe it when we see it, Mr. Iger.

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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