November 8, 2014

Tomorrowland Attraction Poster: Metropolis Science Centre

When it comes to photography, I'll admit it: I'm no Tom Bricker over at the Disney Tourist Blog, but every once in awhile, even a blind pig can find an ear of corn- or something like that.

Here's a shot I took in 1999. Made even more special now with the passing of Robin Williams

Timekeeper, a Circle-Vision 360 presentation adapted for a new audience, was a great centerpiece project of Walt Disney World's New Tomorrowland. Gone was the old "let's take an earnest look at the future". In it's place was a world where aliens and humans alike co-existed in harmony with robots and technology. (That is, until the frightfully wonderful  Alien Encounter revealed the truth.)

This poster for the Metropolis Science Centre was too cool a piece of art for me to pass by. I do wish it was available for sale- and that Robin Williams was still around to sign it.

(Photograph copyright Mark Taft.)


  1. i remember timekeeper it was an amazing attraction disney was suppose to give me timekeeper and nine eye animatronics thanks to robin williams but never happened

  2. It was an extremely cool- and very unique- attraction!
    Thanks for reading!
